ニセバラシロヒメハマキ Notocelia nimia


白と黒のまだら模様は鳥の糞に対する擬態といわれており、海外ではこのような模様を持つガを総称して"bird-dropping moth"と呼ぶそうです。この模様は、ニセバラシロヒメハマキの含まれるヒメハマキガ亜科内だけを見ても、AncylisApotomisGypsonomaなど、さまざまな属でみることができます。

撮影データ: 2024年4月18日 福岡県福岡市・九州大学伊都キャンパス
撮影・文章: 川島 育海



The Lepidopterological Society of Japan (LSJ)

Welcome to LSJ's Web site. Lepidopterology is the science of insects belonging to the order Lepidoptera including butterflies and moths.

The Lepidopterological Society of Japan (LSJ) is one of the biggest entomological societies in Japan.

We have about 1,400 members now in the Society. LSJ is open to anyone who is interested in butterflies and/or moths.

Not only professional entomologists but also amateur lepidopetrists are welcome to join us.

You will find many advantages of LSJ's membership in this Web site.

LSJ Office:

c/o Shobi Printing Co., Ltd.
1-13-7 Hakusan, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0001 Japan


Instructions for Authors

  • Instructions for Authors: PDF version is available (PDF|118KB)

Lepidoptera Science


Lepidoptera Science is an online journal published quarterly in annual volumes by the Lepidopterological Society of Japan, and available on the J-STAGE website (https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/lepid/-char/ja/). Members of the society are invited to submit for publication articles (original papers, reviews, short reports, nomenclature notes, ecological and distributional records, etc.) written in English or Japanese concerning a field of lepidopterology. A manuscript is acceptable for publication in Lepidoptera Science after the journal's standard peer-review process if the work described contributes to scientific knowledge and has not been simultaneously submitted to another journal.

Submissions of no members are permitted upon payment of a submission charge (10,000 JPY per article). No refunds will be given even if the article was rejected.

When preparing manuscripts, authors are requested to follow the style used in recent issues of Lepidoptera Science. Each manuscript should be written in IMRAD format on A4 size pages and be accompanied by a short abstract, a running head (fewer than 15 words), the affiliations and addresses of all authors, the e-mail address of the corresponding author, and key words (about five words). The text should be concise and free from redundant expressions, and should avoid the use of lyrical expressions inappropriate for an academic paper.

The following are detailed format instructions on numbers and symbols:

  • 1) Arabic numerals, units and symbols (e.g., ♂ and ♀) should be one-byte characters in principle.
  • 2) Weights and measures units should be based on the International System of Units (SI units), and half-width spaces should be inserted between units and numbers (e.g., 2 cm, 100 mg). However, no space should be left between a number, %, and °C. (2) Scientific names of organisms should be written in the form of "%" or "°C".
  • The scientific name of the organism should be written in italics with author name in roman, e.g. "Papilio xuthus Linnaeus"
  • 3) Latin-derived letters such as et al., etc., e.g., are not italicized and should be written in cubic type.
  • 4) n, which indicates the sample size, is italicized (N is not used), and mathematical expressions are italicized, but + and - in the mathematical expressions are cubic.
  • 5) An en dash (–) should be used to indicate a range, and a hyphen (-) should not be used. (5) Use an en dash (–) to indicate a range, and do not use a hyphen (-).
  • 6) Use Mr, Dr, Mrs, Drs, Fig., Figs.

Instruction for citing in text as follows:

  • 1) When citing other papers or works in the text, The Harvard (author/date) system of referencing should be used: (Howarth, 1973), (Kato and Yada, 2005) or Howarth (1973), Sugi (1959). When there are three or more authors, indicate as in (Arita et al., 2009) and Inomata et al. (2013).
  • 2) When introducing the contents of other papers in the main text, be sure to cite them, paying attention to the wording to avoid plagiarism and misappropriation.

Style for reference list

In the reference list, references should be listed in alphabetical order of the first authors. Cite the names of all authors (or editors). Do not use ibid. or op cit. The title of the cited work should be given in full and journal titles should not be abbreviated. Reference to unpublished data and personal communications should be avoided if at all possible.

Journal articles:
  • Kato Y, Yata O, 2005. Geographical distribution and taxonomical status of two types of Eurema hecabe (L.) (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) in south-western Japan and Taiwan. Transactions of Lepidopterological Society of Japan 56: 171–183. (In Japanese)
  • Kitajima Y, Sakamaki Y, 2020. Taxonomic revision of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from Japan, part I. Lepidoptera Science 71: 49–68.
  • Journal articles without volume number:
  • Lo N, Gloag RS, Anderson D, Oldroyd BP, 2009. A molecular phylogeny of the genus Apis suggests that the Giant Honey Bee of the Philippines, A. breviligula Maa, and the Plains Honey Bee of southern India, A. indica Fabricius, are valid species (p). Systematic Entomology Published online: 8 DEC 2009; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2009.00504.x
  • Howarth TG, 1973. South's British Butterflies. xiii, 210pp., 48 pls. Frederick Warne, London.
  • Inomata T, Uemura Y, Yago K, Jinbo U, Ueda K, 2013. Catalogue of the Insects of Japan. Vol. 7(1) Lepidoptera (Hesperioidea–Papilionoidea). 177 pp. Touka Shobo, Fukuoka. (In Japanese)
Chapter in a book
  • Fruhstorfer H, 1913. Nymphalidae, Tribus Euthaliidi. In Seitz A (ed.), Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Die Indo-Australische Tagfalter. Band 9: 648–695, pls. 127–137. Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart.
  • Nielsen ES, 1989. Phylogeny of major lepidopteran groups. In Fernholm B, Bremer K, Jornvall H (eds), The Hierarchy of Life: 281–294. Elsevier, London. Amsterdam.
  • Sugi S, 1959. Noctuidae. In Inoue H et al., Iconographia Insectorum Japonicorum Colore naturali edita Vol. 1 (Lepidoptera): 105–159, pls. 64?106. Hokuryukan, Tokyo. (In Japanese)
Web site:
  • Schmid-Egger C, 2001b. Schlussel fur die Mannchen und Weibchen der europaischen Sceliphron-Arten (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) Bembix Online, Herrsching, Germany [updated August 2001; accessed August 2003]. Available from: http://www.bembix-newsletter.de/Original_contributions/key_sceliphron.htm/

The text, figure legends, and tables should be included in a single file (preferably in MS-Word [.docx] format), with page and line numbers in the left margin. Figures in digital files (.pdf) should be of small size. Authors who are unable to prepare figures as digital files may send them as hard copies. Original figures in digital files should be prepared in TIFF, EPS, or BMP format, at ? 300 dpi for photographs and 600 dpi for drawings. Original figures should not be sent until the manuscript has been accepted for publication. Articles will ordinarily be limited to 20 printed pages in length; authors will be charged for articles of more than 20 printed pages (3,000 JPY per page). There is no additional charge for pages that include color figures. Authors can download reprints at no cost from the J-STAGE website. Hard copy reprints are not provided.

The original manuscript should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief: Yoshitsugu Nasu, 153-2, Nakado, Hashimoto, Wakayama, 648-0023 Japan (E-mail: UHI06205nifty.com).

Each submitted manuscript is reviewed critically by two reviewers who are selected by the editorial board members. The Editor-in-Chief then decides whether to accept or reject the manuscript based on the reviewers' comments.

After acceptance, a first proof will be sent to the contributor for correction. The corrected proof is to be returned immediately to the managing editor. Original figures will not be returned unless requested by the author. Reprints (hardcopy) may be obtained upon payment of a fee.

All correspondence concerning manuscripts and reprint (hardcopy) should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief.

The English in this document has been checked by at least two professional editors, both native speakers of English. For a certificate, please see: http://www.textcheck.com/certificate/RLTww1

  • (1) We recommend that you include the above statement in the end of your document to inform reviewers that the English has been professionally checked. If you do not, then you may receive the comment "English needs revision". Some reviewers who are not native speakers of English seem to add the comment "English needs revision" to EVERY paper they review by non-US authors... (The above text can be deleted later).
  • (2) We strongly recommend that you do not make ANY changes to this document. Textcheck should be the last step before final formatting. No further editing should be necessary unless there is text that the editors have misunderstood.

If any text has been misunderstood:

  • Rewrite the sentence(s) that you need to change, SAVE, and upload the completed document to: http://www.textcheck.com/client/submit
  • for a final check. (Please do not mark your changes in any way and do not send the document to us by e-mail unless you have a problem with the www site.) Requests for a final check should be made within 1 month.
  • [If you make changes to this document and require a re-edit (such as changes post review) then it should be uploaded via 'Submit Document' on our www site, with a note that the file is a revision of '17112309'. The fee for a revised document is based on the wordcount of changed and new sentences (only). As there is no charge for sentences that have not changed, we recommend that clients always upload complete documents.]

    ©The Lepidopterological Society of Japan (2022)
    All rights reserved. No part of this journal may be reproduced without permission.

    LSJ Committees (2022-2024):

    Michihito WATANABE
    Toshiya HIROWATARI
    Managing Directors:
    Toshiya HIROWATARI, Atsushi SUGAWARA, Masamichi NAGAJIMA, Seiji MIYAKE, Takenari INOUE, Masaya YAGO, Hideshi NAKA
    Hidetoshi IWANO, Takashi YAGI
    Members of Council:
    (Hokkaido) Koji TORITANI, Hidenori TAKAGI, Kazuhiro MORI
    (Tohoku) Mitsuru HOSAKA, Tadashi KUDO, Tadao ICHITA
    (Kanto) Haruo FUKUDA, Takahiro YANO, Takashi HASEGAWA, Junichi ASAHI, Tomoko KAWADA, Yasuhiro ODA, Shuhei NIITSU
    (Shin-etsu) Kiyoshi NAKANO, Keiichiro SHIKATA, Masashi TASHITA
    (Tokai) Hozumi KIUCHI, Takahiro MANO, Toshimasa TAGA
    (Kinki) Tsuyoshi TAKEUCHI, Yasuyuki WATANABE, Shohei UEDA, Hisashi FUJII
    (Chugoku) Takeshi KAMEYAMA, Ichiro SAGARA, Akio TAMURA
    (Shikoku) Kenji OHARA, Seiichi KUBOTA, Chiharu KOSHIO
    (Kyushu) Junichi YASUMOTO, Kohei MURATA, Sadahisa YAGI
    Editorial Board of Lepidoptera Science:
    Chief Editor: Yoshitsugu NASU
    Editorial Board of YADORIGA:
    Chief Editor: Asao KITAGAWA
    Nature Conservation Committee:
    Chairperson: Masaya YAGO
    Future Plan Committee:
    Chairperson: Takenari INOUE
    Website Committee:
    Chairperson: Hideshi NAKA
    Event Committee:
    Chairperson: Hiroshi Fujitsuka
    Shuhei NIITSU, Takahiro MANO

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    English version of mail form is here.


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